
 The Virtues Found in Salah with Khushu'- Tawadhu'

    Hi, i am back back in Usrah 2 for semester 3 with a few information that need to be shared. In this topic we are having discussion about Tawadhu. Before that, we need to explore what the meaning of tawadhu' itself. Based on Malay dictionary, tawadhu' refer to humble and stay low without being arrogant. We need to always care about someone who below us and did not criticize people as we a slave in Allah's sight. As mentioned by Allah in Quran, 'and walk not with arrogance. Indeed you can never tear the earth apart nor can you surpass the mountain in heights' (17:37).
    How we want to know if someone is tawadhu'? So man who tawadhu upon Allah is the one who potraying the good attitude by stay low and humble while walking or do anything on earth. They also make people around them as a medium to increase their faith y guiding others to the truth. By implemented tawadhu in life, the arrogance or Takkabur values will never exist in our life. To get a details information, do check out attached poster. Thank you.


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