The Virtues Found in Sab'r- Sawm

Sawm & Sab'r

    Sawm and Sab'r have a relation that we need to deep study about. In this discussion, we talked about the virtues of sawm and related to sab'r. Allah SWT mentioned, 'O you believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patience'.(2:153). Sawm teach human a lot about patience in many aspect because sawm constitutes half the patience and has its own benefit for man in the world and hereafter an. The beneficial of sawn has be proven and Allah has mentioned about sawm over 50 in Quran to show how important sawn to man.
    There are many types of Sabr in Sawm(Fasting) and one of it is Sabr in practising righteous deeds. As a human, it is not easy to do good deeds all the time. Sometimes it require effort that may internally difficult for us. However, by instill sabr in ourself, the heavy emphasis of doing good deeds during ramadhan will be easy. One must strive to have patience while engaging in ibadah(worshipping or fasting). There are more types of sab'r in fasting and you can check the poster below to know more. Thank You.


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