S T U D E N T S A T I T T U D E !
Hi, in previous class, our lecture Sir Pahsha have been exposed to us about adab and he assigned my group to discuss more about ADAB AS A STUDENT. As a students who have sincere intention to seek knowledge need to highlight few manner while study. For the sake to get a quality knowledge that can be use not only in short period but for a long term, manner and attitude need to be completely excellent to ensure the rahmah for your study. Since teacher in charge to teach us, we need to pay attention to them, obey their instruction and also respect them.
There are so many adab as a students such as to be the first to greet and offer salutation of peace. Not to speak too much in his presence or while in lecture. There are many of it, so that i cannot explain it in details. So lets see our discussion result about Adab as a students in poster below;
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