Q A D A'  A N D  Q A D A R ? 

     Today, our class continued discussing about Pillars of Iman which are belief in Allah's messenger, belief in the day of judgement and belief in Qada' and Qadar. In this post, i will share more information about Qada' and Qadar in pillars of iman. However, let me explain briefly another part in pillars of iman. Messenger are divided to two which are Rasul and Nabi. Rasul is the messenger who was given a new shariah from Allah while Nabi was not given any new shariat and they just follow the shariat of earlier Rasul. As a muslim, we need to follow all the instructions that given by Prophet because their are instruction are from God. Besides that, they are always be under the greatness of Allah and surely they are kind person.
    Belief in the of judgement is the belief of the existence of the unseen realm. Besides, by believing the day of judgement, it let us to think more about the good deeds that we need to be done in this world because everything that have we done will be asked at there. So, as a muslim we need to prepare ourselves properly and work hard to prevent the sins because sins will give a negative impact to us in the hereafter life.
    Last but not least, Qada' and Qadar. Its has to type of Qada' and Qadar which are can change by ourselves and cannot be change by ourselves. To explain more about Qada' and Qadar which are the meaning of Qada' and Qadar and its good effect of believing, do check out our poster below.


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