A P P R E C I A T I O N   O F   N A T U R E 

     Today, Sir Pahsha our lecturer assigned us a task to talk about appreciation of nature. In this post i will briefly explain about it. As we know, nature is a gift from Allah for us to keep the diversity and nature safe from any destruction. Nature also helps human to do many thing in life like the contribution for human invention(woods) and supply oxygen for human to breath. Besides, nature also provide food supply for human and animals.
    To take care of it, we as human need to take a wise step to avoid any destruction and harm towards nature. The step that we take can consider for us as we appreciate the gift from Allah which is nature. By letting nature harm and destruct, there's a lot of negative consequences that will give a huge impact towards us, Human and animal. Islam also encouraged their follower to stay health by keeps the cleanliness at all cost. In poster below, there's a few information about appreciation of nature.


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