
WEEK 2; Hikmah Of Ibadah

Ibadah and Its Wisdom      Assalamualaikum everyone, Im sorry for skipping Week2 with previous week's topic. So in Week 2, me and my friends have discussed about Hikmah of Ibadah. Our leader, Brother Izaan explain to us about hikmah doing Ibadah for muslims such as Pray, Fasting, Zakah And etc.     To summarise everything that have been explained by Brother Izaan, there are 3 wisdom or hikamh that i would like to highlight in my writing. First is,  preventing man from doing bad deeds. By practicing ibadah, it wil nurture ourself with good deeds and make feel more guilt to do bad deeds. Second is help to maintain our health. As we know, Prayer was know as a simple exercise for our body and some research found that practicing salah can help the blood flow to do a perfect circulation for our body. Last but not least, by doing ibadah, it able to receive forgiveness from Allah SWT for our wrong doing. I think thats all from me. Thank you ;) <3


The Virtues Found In Haji/Umrah     In Quran, Allah mentioned 'indeed, the first house (of worship) established for mankind was that at Mecca. Blessed and a guidance for the worlds' (3:96). In this verse, it shows that the practice of Haji and Umrah has their benefits for those who did it. Haji and Umrah can help man to develop all the spiritual and morals goals of the various forms of worship such as sincerity, piety, humility and obedience. That is why muslims need to perform pilgrimage. In Quran, 'proclaim to men the pilgrimage: they will come to thee on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path'. As the virtues can be see on the poster below, i wish readers will put on intentions do do haji/Umrah even once in your life. May Allah blessed you!!

The Virtues Found in Zakah/Sadaqah

Sadaqah & Ukhwah     Today's discussion, we talked about the relation between Sadaqah and Ukhwah. So, first thing is what is sadaqah. Sadaqah in islam is righteousness and it refers to the voluntary giving alms or charity to someone who in need. Sadaqah also refer giving someone without seeking a retuirn and with intention of pleasing Allah. So what is the relation between sadaqah and ukhwah. By doing sadaqah, we unintentionally create a beautiful bond with other human being especially for those who really in need. Besides that, sadaqah help us to avoid envy because it teach us to share the wealth we have to the needy. Next, sadaqah also seen as fulfilling right as we need to pay zakat to help needy people and also sadaqah promotes peace in islam. Last but not least, sadaqah can rid off evil qualities in our wealth because zakah or sadaqah help to purifies our possession of wealth and also our inner self. You may check poster below to get the details for each points i stat...

The Virtues Found in Sab'r- Sawm

Sawm & Sab'r     Sawm and Sab'r have a relation that we need to deep study about. In this discussion, we talked about the virtues of sawm and related to sab'r. Allah SWT mentioned, 'O you believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patience'.(2:153). Sawm teach human a lot about patience in many aspect because sawm constitutes half the patience and has its own benefit for man in the world and hereafter an. The beneficial of sawn has be proven and Allah has mentioned about sawm over 50 in Quran to show how important sawn to man.     There are many types of Sabr in Sawm(Fasting) and one of it is Sabr in practising righteous deeds. As a human, it is not easy to do good deeds all the time. Sometimes it require effort that may internally difficult for us. However, by instill sabr in ourself, the heavy emphasis of doing good deeds during ramadhan will be easy. One must strive to have patience while engaging in ibadah(worshipping or fasti...


  The Virtues Found in Salah with Khushu'- Tawadhu'     Hi, i am back back in Usrah 2 for semester 3 with a few information that need to be shared. In this topic we are having discussion about Tawadhu. Before that, we need to explore what the meaning of tawadhu' itself. Based on Malay dictionary, tawadhu' refer to humble and stay low without being arrogant. We need to always care about someone who below us and did not criticize people as we a slave in Allah's sight. As mentioned by Allah in Quran, 'and walk not with arrogance. Indeed you can never tear the earth apart nor can you surpass the mountain in heights' (17:37).     How we want to know if someone is tawadhu'? So man who tawadhu upon Allah is the one who potraying the good attitude by stay low and humble while walking or do anything on earth. They also make people around them as a medium to increase their faith y guiding others to the truth. By implemented tawadhu in life, the arrogance or Takkab...

Preparation for Salah with Khushu'

 Condition for The Acceptance of Salah     Hi, I am Irfan and i am back for Usrah 2 in Semester 3 with a lot of information that need to be shared with. So in our discussion about preparation for Salah with Khushu, there are few highlighted subtopic that we have been discuss and to be shared in this writing is about condition for the acceptance of salah. In our discussion there are 5 condition and two of them is the time for prayer has begun and covering the awrah. To done our prayer, there are certain time that we need to follow if not our salah are not acceptance. such as, if we want to do dzuhur, we need to wait the sun are totally a lil bit above our head in Malay tergelincirnya sedikit matahari. Besides that, we need to cover our awrah as we are praying for our God the almighty. We need to wear a proper cloth to cover our awrah as way we show our gratitude to Him.


  A P P R E C I A T I O N   O F   N A T U R E       Today, Sir Pahsha our lecturer assigned us a task to talk about appreciation of nature. In this post i will briefly explain about it. As we know, nature is a gift from Allah for us to keep the diversity and nature safe from any destruction . Nature also helps human to do many thing in life like the c ontribution for human invention(woods) and supply oxygen for human to breath. Besides, nature also provide food supply for human and animals .     To take care of it, we as human need to take a wise step to avoid any destruction and harm towards nature. The step that we take can consider for us as we appreciate the gift from Allah which is nature. By letting nature harm and destruct, there's a lot of negative consequences that will give a huge impact towards us , Human and animal. Islam also encouraged their follower to stay health by keeps the cleanliness at all cost. In p...